Environmental Solutions is keenly aware of the problems poorly drained soils can present with years of proven success working in sensitive conditions sustainably. Standing water, mossy grass, muddy soils, red thread fungus and algae are just some evidence of poorly drained soils. The best way to mitigate saturated soils is to install catch basins, drainage piping and gravel filtration to intercept and collect surface runoff and sub-surface percolation. Areas not properly drained can breed insects, create unsightly, non-useable areas, permanently destroy landscapes, increase exposure to invasive plant species, encourage toxic soil percolation and undermine irrigated efforts. We can also make drainage a landscape element by replicating natural, dry creek beds that create flora and fauna habitat, drain water naturally away from problem areas and provide an excellent alternative to concrete swales or ditches. Environmental Solutions has a wide variety of drainage options for dewatering stubborn soils, groundwater seep, developing retention/detention ponds and mitigating surface or building run off.
- Storm Water Mitigation
- Desaturation of Clay/Silty Soils
- Reduce Disease, Fungus, Mold and Pests
- Provide Foundation Protection
- Rainwater Harvesting Systems
- Green Roofs
- Adverse sites including Ledge Rock
- Reduce Roof Drip Damage
- Storage and Ponds