Just because someone knows how to run a grader, doesn't mean they can build a successful sports facility. During the planning phase, it is important to hire an experienced facility designer or design/build company to develop a very detailed set of material and installation specifications for the new fields or arenas to be constructed. If an appropriate plan is in place with realistic budget, items like irrigation and drainage are addressed and not forgotten. Compacted soils, to the extent of eliminating any percolation, is the number one mistake made by excavation or grading contractors. Supplying inappropriate soils is the second.
Environmental Solutions offers site construction services to aid any renovation or groundbreaking project. Whether you are performing annual maintenance like mound or box fortification and track grading, semi-annual field mix replenishment or all new facility or riding ring construction our shapers can sculpt any sports element. Environmental Solutions makes quick work of establishing healthy turf with sensible composts, appropriate species selection and deep, rich rootzones. A strong and carefully crafted foundation is the key to site longevity and consistent playability.